I will hit the ground running

I’ll be your full-time legislator at the state capitol - my only job is serving YOU

With me as your representative, you'll get...

  • 35 Years' Experience

    I bring more than 35 years of workforce & economic-development experience to serving my community. I’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for housing, jobs, young families, and seniors.

  • Public Service

    I've managed the Veteran's Service Program and served as Minnesota’s CareerForce director, providing employment services to job-seekers and employers statewide. I know my way around state government and will be effective from Day One.

  • Pro-Mining

    I'll fight for our economy and long-held tradition of iron mining, as well as the precious-metals mining that will lead our nation into the clean-energy economy. Staying “Iron Range Strong” requires a representative who supports mining!

  • Labor Endorsed

    I have more than 30 organizational endorsements, and I'm exceptionally proud to stand with Labor - more than 20 Labor unions have endorsed my campaign.

  • Pro-Business

    Promoting small and mid-sized businesses, workforce development, and economic diversification are my priorities. I live in a rural area and shop small businesses wherever I can!

  • Public Education

    Public education is foundational to strong families. I support taxpayer dollars going to public schools. My family has thrived because of our strong public education system.

  • Senior Support

    I’m committed to fighting tirelessly for the critical services our seniors depend on and deserve - like affordable housing, robust healthcare options and reliable transportation.

  • Freedom

    I support a woman’s freedom to choose and keeping politicians out of reproductive health care decisions. No woman should ever be denied contraception or life-saving health services.

  • Sanity

    I’ve heard voter frustration with extreme issues that divide us and political rhetoric that stretches the truth. I commit to transparency, truth, and accessibility to the people I serve.