Here’s where I stand

Pro-labor, pro-mining, pro-freedom

  • A strong Iron Range economy rests on the bedrock of mining. As the Minnesota Iron Range built the nation, let’s now lead the transition to clean energy through responsible production of copper, nickel and other precious metals. A strong economy means helping our small businesses thrive, developing our workforce, and diversifying our economic base. Tax breaks need to support the middle class and not the greedy and rich. We all do better when we all do better.

  • Strong Iron Range Families means the freedom to access reproductive healthcare for women and families; it means investing in public education and the next generation, ensuring that teachers are paid the wages they deserve, and it means protecting our seniors, providing affordable daycare, and affordable and safe healthcare.

  • Strong Iron Range Communities means protecting Local Government Aid, investing in infrastructure, broadband, and affordable housing for all income levels.  It means ensuring that our safety net, including emergency medical services, is appropriately funded. Strong Iron Range communities means the freedom to enjoy the outdoors and our recreational lifestyle.